Tossing,turning and struggling to sleep? It's an unceremonious
titillation for many. It might be that we can't doze off,or we might
have difficulty staying asleep. Either way,we all struggle to function
without a good night's sleep. Here,I'll briefly discuss on the these
things that can spoil your sleep at night.
     Yes! Here we go,my first point on the things that ruin a good
night's sleep is ALCOHOL.
Excessive in-take of alcohol should be avoided or
prohibited(especially before you sleep).Although alcohol will make you
drowsy,the effect is 'short lived' and you will often wake up several
hours later,unable to fall back asleep. Alcohol will also keep you
from entering the deeper stages of sleep,where your body does most of
its healing.
   Another good point on this issue is FOOD. Yeah,I know some of you
will be wondering..."those Food have anything to do with this?",well
guess what? It does! Foods containing a chemical called tyramine,such
as bacon,cheese,nuts and red wine,can keep us awake at night. This is
because tyramine triggers the release of noradrenaline,a brain
stimulant....hello! Are you still here with me? This does not mean
that you will no longer eat your cheese,nuts or any of the mentioned
above,you just have to stop eating them before night's sleep. Over to
the next and final point...IRREGULAR ROUTINES.
   I mentioned the body-clock in my previous article(well if you
haven't read it,go and enjoy it)and I'm saying it again that we all
have a built-in body-clock which tells us when we are tired. It helps
synchronise thousands of cells in our body to a 24-hours cycle called
the circadian rhythm. The main synchroniser for our body-clock is
light. Our eyes react to light and dark,even when our eyelids are
closed. Daylight prompts our brains to reduce the production of the
sleep hormone melatonim. This makes us feel more alert. If we get less
sleep during the night,because of going to bed late or waking up early
our routine must be an irregular one.
   The thing's that ruin a good night's sleep are so innumerable and
multifarious but I just gave three of the Important points. I can keep
going on and on but you all we get bored,so that's that-for-that.

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