"I have tried and tried and I am tired of trying",a common
expression made by majority of individuals when failing becomes a
regular occurrence.
"Failure should be your Teacher,not your undertaker". Some
wonderful things happen when you fail and I will tell you how later on
this article,just stay calm and flip over. Although failure seems very
shameful at first thought it can be the beginning of your success.
Actually,failing is not bad. It's probably that "one shot" way
you will ever become successful. The barriers,obstacles and setbacks
are part of your successful journey. Failure is essential to
success,but the only way to be successful is to accept failure as part
of every successful journey...Get that? I know you do. This does not
mean that you should always pray for failure,you must learn from
each,only then will you grow,win and achieve.
The bad thing about failing is that it is "delaying",but does not
defeat determined persons. So I have proven to you that failure is
just a stepping stone to your success. Now let's get to our
This is a Special article for Specific people,so get inspired
and motivated! When you fail,there are thousands of people who also
fail due to the fact that you failed. This sounds kind of weird or
anomalous when you think about it but on a second and more
illuminating thought,it is nothing but an exclusive truth. But don't
fret! I will expound more on it just for you..:)
I am going to use a student as an example or case study here.
Imagine a situation where a student that is expected to finish his
studies,get a good job and you know,do other stuffs fails his
examination and drops out of school instead of seating for that same
exam again until he is successful,he accepts defeat,becomes a
school-drop-out and diverts his attention to other things that would
probably fetch him money. Because he failed the exam and he doesn't
want to waste time waiting for another year to rewrite the exam.
When he accepted defeat and failed(gave up) do you know that
there were many people saying to him "Hey man! Don't give up,we are
waiting for you to succeed so you can pass the blessing"? These people
are those whom he would help in the future and give both financial and
educational assistance to. But what did he do? He ruined it all by
accepting defeat and drawing the curtain against success without even
trying for the second time.
Very well then guys,you have all seen what happens when you fail
and don't keep digging-it-in,even your generation fails because of
your acceptance of defeat by failure. So you have to 'continue
failing' if that's the only way to your success,after all,Thomas A.
Edison failed 10,000 times when trying different filaments before
successfully creating the electric light bulb that we all make use of
So when you invariably fail-get up,dust yourself off,believe in
yourself and start again.
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